Discover the brands and technologies from our business units Adhesive Technologies and Consumer Brands.
As reflected in our corporate values, we are committed to leadership in sustainability. As leaders, we aim to pioneer new solutions for sustainable development while continuing to shape our business responsibly and increasing our economic success.
Our strategy
Our sustainability strategy is inspired by our purpose: Pioneers at heart for the good of generations. With our pioneering spirit, our knowledge, our products and technologies, we want to enrich and improve the lives of billions of people every day – and shape a viable future for the next generations.
Sustainability is thus a central element in our vision of the future. We want to actively drive the transformation to a sustainable economy and society, help protect and regenerate nature, contribute to strong communities and strengthen the trust of our stakeholders.
Our 2030+ Sustainability Ambition Framework sets our long-term ambitions in the three dimensions of Regenerative Planet, Thriving Communities and Trusted Partner and links to our high aspiration of achieving a “Transformational Impact for the Good of Generations”.
Sustainability in Henkel Indonesia
In Indonesia, Henkel works closely with many customers and value-chain partners on sustainable innovation projects to improve performance and reduce footprint, thus creating win-win solutions.
A key initiative is the Sustainability Ambassador Program where our employees visit schools to give lessons on sustainability to students. Since 2015, employees of Henkel Indonesia have taught more than 960 students simple sustainability habits that they can put into practice in their homes. After the lesson, each child receives a Sustainability Champion certificate to encourage them to promote sustainability among their families and friends.
Henkel Indonesia employees are strong advocates of giving back to the community and actively contribute to various social projects. For more information on our corporate citizenship initiatives, click here.
Looking ahead, we are well prepared: sustainability is deeply anchored in our business strategy and alive in our purpose. With that foundation, our sustainable transformation continues!
Sylvie Nicol, Executive Vice President Human Resources and Chair of Henkel’s Sustainability Council
Levers for Change
Our achievements 2023
Our sustainability strategy revolves around implementing our ambitions through concrete measures and projects to achieve practical progress. Below you find selected achievements of 2023:
Spotlight on Sustainability
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